Standard, June 2010:

  1. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" This bot will make direct text replacements. It will retrieve information on which pages might need changes either from an XML dump or a text file, or only change a single page.

These command line parameters can be used to specify which pages to work on:


-xml Retrieve information from a local XML dump (pages-articles

                 or pages-meta-current, see
                 Argument can also be given as "-xml:filename".

-page Only edit a specific page.

                 Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle". You can
                 give this parameter multiple times to edit multiple pages.

Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:

-regex Make replacements using regular expressions. If this argument

                 isn't given, the bot will make simple text replacements.

-nocase Use case insensitive regular expressions.

-dotall Make the dot match any character at all, including a newline.

                 Without this flag, '.' will match anything except a newline.

-multiline '^' and '$' will now match begin and end of each line.

-xmlstart (Only works with -xml) Skip all articles in the XML dump

                 before the one specified (may also be given as

-addcat:cat_name Adds "cat_name" category to every altered page.

-excepttitle:XYZ Skip pages with titles that contain XYZ. If the -regex

                 argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular

-requiretitle:XYZ Only do pages with titles that contain XYZ. If the -regex

                 argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular

-excepttext:XYZ Skip pages which contain the text XYZ. If the -regex

                 argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular

-exceptinside:XYZ Skip occurences of the to-be-replaced text which lie

                 within XYZ. If the -regex argument is given, XYZ will be
                 regarded as a regular expression.

-exceptinsidetag:XYZ Skip occurences of the to-be-replaced text which lie

                 within an XYZ tag.

-summary:XYZ Set the summary message text for the edit to XYZ, bypassing

                 the predefined message texts with original and replacements

-sleep:123 If you use -fix you can check multiple regex at the same time

                 in every page. This can lead to a great waste of CPU because
                 the bot will check every regex without waiting using all the
                 resources. This will slow it down between a regex and another
                 in order not to waste too much CPU.

-query: The maximum number of pages that the bot will load at once.

                 Default value is 60. Ignored when reading an XML file.

-fix:XYZ Perform one of the predefined replacements tasks, which are

                 given in the dictionary 'fixes' defined inside the file
                 The -regex and -nocase argument and given replacements will
                 be ignored if you use -fix.
                 Currently available predefined fixes are:


-always Don't prompt you for each replacement

-recursive Recurse replacement as long as possible. Be careful, this

                 might lead to an infinite loop.

-allowoverlap When occurences of the pattern overlap, replace all of them.

                 Be careful, this might lead to an infinite loop.

other: First argument is the old text, second argument is the new

                 text. If the -regex argument is given, the first argument
                 will be regarded as a regular expression, and the second
                 argument might contain expressions like \\1 or \g<name>.
                 It is possible to introduce more than one pair of old text
                 and replacement.


If you want to change templates from the old syntax, e.g. Template:Stub, to the new syntax, e.g. Template:Stub, download an XML dump file (pages-articles) from, then use this command:

   python -xml -regex "Template:(.*?)" "Template:\\1"

If you have a dump called foobar.xml and want to fix typos in articles, e.g. Errror -> Error, use this:

   python -xml:foobar.xml "Errror" "Error" -namespace:0

If you want to do more than one replacement at a time, use this:

   python -xml:foobar.xml "Errror" "Error" "Faail" "Fail" -namespace:0

If you have a page called 'John Doe' and want to fix the format of ISBNs, use:

   python -page:John_Doe -fix:isbn

This command will change 'referer' to 'referrer', but not in pages which talk about HTTP, where the typo has become part of the standard:

   python referer referrer -file:typos.txt -excepttext:HTTP

""" from __future__ import generators

  1. (C) Daniel Herding & the Pywikipedia team, 2004-2009

__version__='$Id: 7695 2009-11-26 09:28:38Z alexsh $'

  1. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

import sys, re, time import wikipedia as pywikibot import pagegenerators import editarticle import webbrowser

  1. Imports predefined replacements tasks from

import fixes

  1. This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
  2. with the parameter -help.

docuReplacements = {

   '&params;':     pagegenerators.parameterHelp,


  1. Summary messages in different languages
  2. NOTE: Predefined replacement tasks might use their own dictionary, see 'fixes'
  3. below.

msg = {

   'ar': u'%s روبوت : استبدال تلقائي للنص',
   'ca': u'Robot: Reemplaçament automàtic de text %s',
   'cs': u'Robot automaticky nahradil text: %s',
   'de': u'Bot: Automatisierte Textersetzung %s',
   'el': u'Ρομπότ: Αυτόματη αντικατάσταση κειμένου %s',
   'en': u'Robot: Automated text replacement %s',
   'es': u'Robot: Reemplazo automático de texto %s',
   'fa': u'ربات: تغییر خودکار متن %s',
   'fi': u'Botti korvasi automaattisesti tekstin %s',
   'fr': u'Robot : Remplacement de texte automatisé %s',
   'he': u'בוט: החלפת טקסט אוטומטית %s',
   'hu': u'Robot: Automatikus szövegcsere %s',
   'ia': u'Robot: Reimplaciamento automatic de texto %s',
   'id': u'Bot: Penggantian teks otomatis %s',
   'is': u'Vélmenni: breyti texta %s',
   'it': u'Bot: Sostituzione automatica %s',
   'ja': u'ロボットによる: 文字置き換え %s',
   'ka': u'რობოტი: ტექსტის ავტომატური შეცვლა %s',
   'kk': u'Бот: Мәтінді өздікті алмастырды: %s',
   'ksh': u'Bot: hät outomatesch Täx jetuusch: %s',
   'lt': u'robotas: Automatinis teksto keitimas %s',
   'nds': u'Bot: Text automaatsch utwesselt: %s',
   'nds-nl': u'Bot: autematisch tekse vervungen %s',
   'nl': u'Bot: automatisch tekst vervangen %s',
   'nn': u'robot: automatisk teksterstatning: %s',
   'no': u'robot: automatisk teksterstatning: %s',
   'pl': u'Robot automatycznie zamienia tekst %s',
   'pt': u'Bot: Mudança automática %s',
   'ru': u'Робот: Автоматизированная замена текста %s',
   'sr': u'Бот: Аутоматска замена текста %s',
   'sv': u'Bot: Automatisk textersättning: %s',
   'uk': u'Бот: Автоматизована заміна тексту: %s',
   'zh': u'機器人:執行文字代換作業 %s',


class XmlDumpReplacePageGenerator:

   Iterator that will yield Pages that might contain text to replace.
   These pages will be retrieved from a local XML dump file.
       * xmlFilename  - The dump's path, either absolute or relative
       * xmlStart     - Skip all articles in the dump before this one
       * replacements - A list of 2-tuples of original text (as a
                        compiled regular expression) and replacement
                        text (as a string).
       * exceptions   - A dictionary which defines when to ignore an
                        occurence. See docu of the ReplaceRobot
                        constructor below.
   def __init__(self, xmlFilename, xmlStart, replacements, exceptions):
       self.xmlFilename = xmlFilename
       self.replacements = replacements
       self.exceptions = exceptions
       self.xmlStart = xmlStart
       self.skipping = bool(xmlStart)
       self.excsInside = []
       if "inside-tags" in self.exceptions:
           self.excsInside += self.exceptions['inside-tags']
       if "inside" in self.exceptions:
           self.excsInside += self.exceptions['inside']
       import xmlreader = pywikibot.getSite()
       dump = xmlreader.XmlDump(self.xmlFilename)
       self.parser = dump.parse()
   def __iter__(self):
           for entry in self.parser:
               if self.skipping:
                   if entry.title != self.xmlStart:
                   self.skipping = False
               if not self.isTitleExcepted(entry.title) \
                       and not self.isTextExcepted(entry.text):
                   new_text = entry.text
                   for old, new in self.replacements:
                       new_text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(new_text, old, new, self.excsInside,
                   if new_text != entry.text:
                       yield pywikibot.Page(, entry.title)
       except KeyboardInterrupt:
               if not self.skipping:
                       u'To resume, use "-xmlstart:%s" on the command line.'
                       % entry.title)
           except NameError:
   def isTitleExcepted(self, title):
       if "title" in self.exceptions:
           for exc in self.exceptions['title']:
                   return True
       if "require-title" in self.exceptions:
           for req in self.exceptions['require-title']:
               if not # if not all requirements are met:
                   return True
       return False
   def isTextExcepted(self, text):
       if "text-contains" in self.exceptions:
           for exc in self.exceptions['text-contains']:
                   return True
       return False

class ReplaceRobot:

   A bot that can do text replacements.
   def __init__(self, generator, replacements, exceptions={},
                acceptall=False, allowoverlap=False, recursive=False,
                addedCat=None, sleep=None, editSummary=):
           * generator    - A generator that yields Page objects.
           * replacements - A list of 2-tuples of original text (as a
                            compiled regular expression) and replacement
                            text (as a string).
           * exceptions   - A dictionary which defines when not to change an
                            occurence. See below.
           * acceptall    - If True, the user won't be prompted before changes
                            are made.
           * allowoverlap - If True, when matches overlap, all of them are
           * addedCat     - If set to a value, add this category to every page
       Structure of the exceptions dictionary:
       This dictionary can have these keys:
               A list of regular expressions. All pages with titles that
               are matched by one of these regular expressions are skipped.
               A list of regular expressions. All pages with text that
               contains a part which is matched by one of these regular
               expressions are skipped.
               A list of regular expressions. All occurences are skipped which
               lie within a text region which is matched by one of these
               regular expressions.
               A list of strings. These strings must be keys from the
               exceptionRegexes dictionary in pywikibot.replaceExcept().
       self.generator = generator
       self.replacements = replacements
       self.exceptions = exceptions
       self.acceptall = acceptall
       self.allowoverlap = allowoverlap
       self.recursive = recursive
       if addedCat:
           site = pywikibot.getSite()
           self.addedCat = pywikibot.Page(site, addedCat, defaultNamespace=14)
       self.sleep = sleep
       # Some function to set default editSummary should probably be added
       self.editSummary = editSummary
   def isTitleExcepted(self, title):
       Iff one of the exceptions applies for the given title, returns True.
       if "title" in self.exceptions:
           for exc in self.exceptions['title']:
                   return True
       if "require-title" in self.exceptions:
           for req in self.exceptions['require-title']:
               if not
                   return True
       return False
   def isTextExcepted(self, original_text):
       Iff one of the exceptions applies for the given page contents,
       returns True.
       if "text-contains" in self.exceptions:
           for exc in self.exceptions['text-contains']:
                   return True
       return False
   def doReplacements(self, original_text):
       Returns the text which is generated by applying all replacements to
       the given text.
       new_text = original_text
       exceptions = []
       if "inside-tags" in self.exceptions:
           exceptions += self.exceptions['inside-tags']
       if "inside" in self.exceptions:
           exceptions += self.exceptions['inside']
       for old, new in self.replacements:
           if self.sleep is not None:
           new_text = pywikibot.replaceExcept(new_text, old, new, exceptions,
       return new_text
   def run(self):
       Starts the robot.
       # Run the generator which will yield Pages which might need to be
       # changed.
       for page in self.generator:
           if self.isTitleExcepted(page.title()):
                   u'Skipping %s because the title is on the exceptions list.'
                   % page.aslink())
               # Load the page's text from the wiki
               original_text = page.get(get_redirect=True)
               if not page.canBeEdited():
                   pywikibot.output(u"You can't edit page %s"
                                    % page.aslink())
           except pywikibot.NoPage:
               pywikibot.output(u'Page %s not found' % page.aslink())
           new_text = original_text
           while True:
               if self.isTextExcepted(new_text):
   u'Skipping %s because it contains text that is on the exceptions list.'
                       % page.aslink())
               new_text = self.doReplacements(new_text)
               if new_text == original_text:
                   pywikibot.output(u'No changes were necessary in %s'
                                     % page.aslink())
               if self.recursive:
                   newest_text = self.doReplacements(new_text)
                   while (newest_text!=new_text):
                       new_text = newest_text
                       newest_text = self.doReplacements(new_text)
               if hasattr(self, "addedCat"):
                   cats = page.categories()
                   if self.addedCat not in cats:
                       new_text = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(new_text,
               # Show the title of the page we're working on.
               # Highlight the title in purple.
               pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                                % page.title())
               pywikibot.showDiff(original_text, new_text)
               if self.acceptall:
               choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
                           u'Do you want to accept these changes?',
                           ['Yes', 'No', 'Edit', 'open in Browser', 'All', "Quit"],
                           ['y', 'N', 'e', 'b', 'a', 'q'], 'N')
               if choice == 'e':
                   editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
                   as_edited = editor.edit(original_text)
                   # if user didn't press Cancel
                   if as_edited and as_edited != new_text:
                       new_text = as_edited
               if choice == 'b':
         "http://%s%s" % (
                   pywikibot.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.")
                   original_text = page.get(get_redirect=True, force=True)
                   new_text = original_text
               if choice == 'q':
               if choice == 'a':
                   self.acceptall = True
               if choice == 'y':
                   page.put_async(new_text, self.editSummary)
               # choice must be 'N'
           if self.acceptall and new_text != original_text:
                   page.put(new_text, self.editSummary)
               except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                   pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s because of edit conflict'
                                    % (page.title(),))
               except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e:
                       u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
                       % (page.title(), e.url))
               except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error:
                   pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s'
                                    % (error.args,))
               except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                   pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
                                    % (page.title(),))

def prepareRegexForMySQL(pattern):

   pattern = pattern.replace('\s', '[:space:]')
   pattern = pattern.replace('\d', '[:digit:]')
   pattern = pattern.replace('\w', '[:alnum:]')
   pattern = pattern.replace("'", "\\" + "'")
   #pattern = pattern.replace('\\', '\\\\')
   #for char in ['[', ']', "'"]:
   #    pattern = pattern.replace(char, '\%s' % char)
   return pattern

def main(*args):

   add_cat = None
   gen = None
   # summary message
   summary_commandline = False
   # Array which will collect commandline parameters.
   # First element is original text, second element is replacement text.
   commandline_replacements = []
   # A list of 2-tuples of original text and replacement text.
   replacements = []
   # Don't edit pages which contain certain texts.
   exceptions = {
       'title':         [],
       'text-contains': [],
       'inside':        [],
       'inside-tags':   [],
       'require-title': [], # using a seperate requirements dict needs some
   }                        # major refactoring of code.
   # Should the elements of 'replacements' and 'exceptions' be interpreted
   # as regular expressions?
   regex = False
   # Predefined fixes from dictionary 'fixes' (see above).
   fix = None
   # the dump's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used
   # if -xml flag is present
   xmlFilename = None
   useSql = False
   PageTitles = []
   # will become True when the user presses a ('yes to all') or uses the
   # -always flag.
   acceptall = False
   # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -nocase
   caseInsensitive = False
   # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -dotall
   dotall = False
   # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -multiline
   multiline = False
   # Do all hits when they overlap
   allowoverlap = False
   # Do not recurse replacement
   recursive = False
   # This is the maximum number of pages to load per query    
   maxquerysize = 60
   # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
   # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
   # to work on.
   genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
   # Load default summary message.
   # BUG WARNING: This is probably incompatible with the -lang parameter.
   editSummary = pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), msg)
   # Between a regex and another (using -fix) sleep some time (not to waste
   # too much CPU
   sleep = None
   # Read commandline parameters.
   for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(*args):
       if arg == '-regex':
           regex = True
       elif arg.startswith('-xmlstart'):
           if len(arg) == 9:
               xmlStart = pywikibot.input(
                   u'Please enter the dumped article to start with:')
               xmlStart = arg[10:]
       elif arg.startswith('-xml'):
           if len(arg) == 4:
               xmlFilename = pywikibot.input(
                   u'Please enter the XML dump\'s filename:')
               xmlFilename = arg[5:]
       elif arg =='-sql':
           useSql = True
       elif arg.startswith('-page'):
           if len(arg) == 5:
                                   u'Which page do you want to change?'))
       elif arg.startswith('-excepttitle:'):
       elif arg.startswith('-requiretitle:'):
       elif arg.startswith('-excepttext:'):
       elif arg.startswith('-exceptinside:'):
       elif arg.startswith('-exceptinsidetag:'):
       elif arg.startswith('-fix:'):
           fix = arg[5:]
       elif arg.startswith('-sleep:'):
           sleep = float(arg[7:])
       elif arg == '-always':
           acceptall = True
       elif arg == '-recursive':
           recursive = True
       elif arg == '-nocase':
           caseInsensitive = True
       elif arg == '-dotall':
           dotall = True
       elif arg == '-multiline':
           multiline = True
       elif arg.startswith('-addcat:'):
           add_cat = arg[8:]
       elif arg.startswith('-summary:'):
           editSummary = arg[9:]
           summary_commandline = True
       elif arg.startswith('-allowoverlap'):
           allowoverlap = True
       elif arg.startswith('-query:'):
           maxquerysize = int(arg[7:])
           if not genFactory.handleArg(arg):
   if (len(commandline_replacements) % 2):
       raise pywikibot.Error, 'require even number of replacements.'
   elif (len(commandline_replacements) == 2 and fix is None):
       if not summary_commandline:
           editSummary = pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), msg ) % (' (-' + commandline_replacements[0] + ' +'
                                  + commandline_replacements[1] + ')')
   elif (len(commandline_replacements) > 1):
       if (fix is None):
           for i in xrange (0, len(commandline_replacements), 2):
                                    commandline_replacements[i + 1]))
           if not summary_commandline:
               pairs = [( commandline_replacements[i],
                          commandline_replacements[i + 1] )
                        for i in range(0, len(commandline_replacements), 2)]
               replacementsDescription = '(%s)' % ', '.join(
                   [('-' + pair[0] + ' +' + pair[1]) for pair in pairs])
               editSummary = pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), msg ) % replacementsDescription
          raise pywikibot.Error(
              'Specifying -fix with replacements is undefined')
   elif fix is None:
       old = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the text that should be replaced:')
       new = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the new text:')
       change = '(-' + old + ' +' + new
       replacements.append((old, new))
       while True:
           old = pywikibot.input(

u'Please enter another text that should be replaced, or press Enter to start:')

           if old == :
               change = change + ')'
           new = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the new text:')
           change = change + ' & -' + old + ' +' + new
           replacements.append((old, new))
       if not summary_commandline:
           default_summary_message =  pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), msg) % change
           pywikibot.output(u'The summary message will default to: %s'
                            % default_summary_message)
           summary_message = pywikibot.input(

u'Press Enter to use this default message, or enter a description of the\nchanges your bot will make:')

           if summary_message == :
               summary_message = default_summary_message
           editSummary = summary_message
       # Perform one of the predefined actions.
           fix = fixes.fixes[fix]
       except KeyError:
           pywikibot.output(u'Available predefined fixes are: %s'
                            % fixes.fixes.keys())
       if "regex" in fix:
           regex = fix['regex']
       if "msg" in fix:
           editSummary = pywikibot.translate(pywikibot.getSite(), fix['msg'])
       if "exceptions" in fix:
           exceptions = fix['exceptions']
       if "nocase" in fix:
           caseInsensitive = fix['nocase']
       replacements = fix['replacements']
   #Set the regular expression flags
   flags = re.UNICODE
   if caseInsensitive:
       flags = flags | re.IGNORECASE
   if dotall:
       flags = flags | re.DOTALL
   if multiline:
       flags = flags | re.MULTILINE
   # Pre-compile all regular expressions here to save time later
   for i in range(len(replacements)):
       old, new = replacements[i]
       if not regex:
           old = re.escape(old)
       oldR = re.compile(old, flags)
       replacements[i] = oldR, new
   for exceptionCategory in ['title', 'require-title', 'text-contains', 'inside']:
       if exceptionCategory in exceptions:
           patterns = exceptions[exceptionCategory]
           if not regex:
               patterns = [re.escape(pattern) for pattern in patterns]
           patterns = [re.compile(pattern, flags) for pattern in patterns]
           exceptions[exceptionCategory] = patterns
   if xmlFilename:
       except NameError:
           xmlStart = None
       gen = XmlDumpReplacePageGenerator(xmlFilename, xmlStart,
                                         replacements, exceptions)
   elif useSql:
       whereClause = 'WHERE (%s)' % ' OR '.join(
           ["old_text RLIKE '%s'" % prepareRegexForMySQL(old.pattern)
            for (old, new) in replacements])
       if exceptions:
           exceptClause = 'AND NOT (%s)' % ' OR '.join(
               ["old_text RLIKE '%s'" % prepareRegexForMySQL(exc.pattern)
                for exc in exceptions])
           exceptClause = 
       query = u"""

SELECT page_namespace, page_title FROM page JOIN text ON (page_id = old_id) %s %s LIMIT 200""" % (whereClause, exceptClause)

       gen = pagegenerators.MySQLPageGenerator(query)
   elif PageTitles:
       pages = [pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.getSite(), PageTitle)
                for PageTitle in PageTitles]
       gen = iter(pages)
   gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator(gen)
   if not gen:
       # syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
   if xmlFilename:
       # XML parsing can be quite slow, so use smaller batches and
       # longer lookahead.
       preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen,
                                           pageNumber=20, lookahead=100)
       preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen, pageNumber=maxquerysize)
   bot = ReplaceRobot(preloadingGen, replacements, exceptions, acceptall, allowoverlap, recursive, add_cat, sleep, editSummary)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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