Welcome to the homepage of Chris Watkins

edit intro

Under construction.
My collaborations

Development stuff
Appropedia - Appropriate technology, development, sustainability. User page
Nabuur.com - "The global neighbour network." Assisting mainly with water and sanitation. User page
Development-related topics on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia user page.
Wikipedia - The concept inspires me. User page
Learning & teaching at Wikibooks. Wikipedia user page.
Mainly Indonesian and English.
Communities on Wikia.com. My User page has miscellaneous net-related stuff, and links to the Wikia communities I'm watching.
Political: Wikia Campaigns, and also the Australian Greens' wiki... still experimental.
I'm looking and waiting for a community recipes site - for now see my recipes and recipe links
My other writing - see the blue box on the right.
Chris Watkins
Chris Watkins (Tim's scan in email?)


English (native) Indonesian (fluent) Malaysian (conversational) Japanese & German (very basic - thanks, excuse me, delicious, mein linke Blinker ist kaput...).

My writing
Blog. Still deciding on a place... I'd like to figure out transclusion and RSS, and maybe even automatically list links to my most recent topics in a table on this page...
My recipes. Pleasure & health.

a.k.a. "Singkong2005"

(This is where I can write in prose rather than point form. Need to figure out padding for middle section.)

I love the way the internet facilitates collaboration, and I'm quite involved in several collaborations, as you can see in the box on the left.

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