Appropedia Page Review

This page seems to a compilation of articles with brief explanations of what the reader will find if they follow the links. It should be set up as a summarization and explanation of the page topic.

There is lots of good sourced information, but very little of it has been summarized on the page itself.

I recommend more of an executive summary be written for each article so all the immediate necessary knowledge, data and theory is available to the reader. If the reader feels the need to find more information on the subject, then they could access the links.

The Peer Reviewed and Published Literature Section is an unnecessary section of the page, all literature should be referenced at the end of the page and associated to the page section it pertains to with an endnote.

Overall, the Appropedia Page needs major restructuring and more information directly on the page.

ECM Review

Corrections for "Phantom Power Consumption - Replace When Needed"

- Spelling error, cell C40 of Savings Projections sheet. "Cash"
- Formatting error, cell A1 & A2 of the Input Devices sheet cannot be read with current formatting.

(Same corrections to second worksheet Phantom Power Consumption - Immediate Replacement)

It is very unclear the difference between the two different ECM excel worksheets. The only difference found is a new cost for the power bars which could just be made an Input and then allow both worksheets to be combined into one. The difference between "Additional Cost per Power Bar ($)" and "Cost per Power Bar ($)" is not stated an therefore is not understood. Some explanation is required.

The worksheet is very well organized sheets with explanations and equations very obvious. All of the information is well laid out.

Very little i required for the ECM with the exception of making it a single worksheet or explaining thoroughly the reason for the second one.

--Ken MacDougall

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