Distilling permaculture knowledge

Can we distill the Principles of permaculture into a brief form suitable to immediately after an emergency? Things you can use in a few minutes or a few hours, and even key ideas to put into "just in case" checklists that people might put on the door of their fridge. E.g. what to consider when seeking shelter or erecting a shelter, and how to collect water.

For some contexts: which places will be best for planting a garden (so don't put your shelter there). Not sure of the details on that one, since people who are that vulnerable are likely to be farmers and know more about food growing than most of us - which highlights the need to build develop guides with local knowledge.

Appropriateness and understanding the context are central to permaculture - it's very closely related to the idea of appropriate technology. --Chriswaterguy 15:02, 25 February 2011 (PST)

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