The problems and suffering in the world today, and more drastic challenges that might be facing us in future (especially climate change) demand that we take action.


Civil disobedience works, at least in some societies at some times.[1] Community blockades, and other actions by groups such as Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd continue in this tradition of action.

The aim is to get attention for a cause, and sympathy from influential people. (The most important influential people are usually voters, but getting attention from media is one way of doing this.) Long concerted action is generally needed - governments generally do not change course because of one protest or one case of civil disobedience. (Climate Pledge of Resistance) points out that during the Great Depression, it was only massive pressure from citizens, often including civil disobedience, that allowed President Roosevelt to make changes that most Americans now take for granted.

I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it.
— attributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt, speaking to a group of reformers

Green living

Green living is good and we recommend it. However, your actions as a single individual will have a much greater impact if they influence your community and society, and lets society see an alternative that they find both achievable and attractive.


  1. It seems less likely to work in a brutal non-democratic regime.
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