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Problem being addressed

Post Partum Hemorrhaging is one of the leading causes of death amongst women in third world countries.

Detailed description of the solution

This tube is made out of a flexible plastic and usually used through mouth or nose for upper gastrointestinal related hemorrhage. To control PPH, the distal part of the tube is cut and removed to facilitate insertion and retention in the uterine cavity. The balloon at the end of the tube is filled with warm sterile saline (or water) until the uterus is firm on abdominal palpation and bleeding is arrested or the balloon dilates the cervix and becomes visible vaginally.

Designed by

  • Designed by:
  • Manufacturer (if different):
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When and where it was tested/implemented

Funding Source


Peer-reviewed publication

Other internally generated reports

Externally generated reports

Doumouchtsis, S.K., et al., Management of postpartum hemorrhage by uterine balloon tamponade: Prospective evaluation of effectiveness. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2008. 87(8): p. 849-855. ^ Westphal K (1930). "Ueber eine Kompressionsbehandlung der Blutungen aus Oesophagusvarizen". Deutsch Med Wochenschr 56 (27): 1135.

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