Implementation of an Economic System to Measure Solar Radiatio


Mohamed Darwish, Omar G. Angulo Castro, Ricardo Valenzuela, Alejandro Ortega, Gildardo Jimenez


A data acquisition system based on a pyranometer, data acquisition board and a computer to record and display the data are developed Pyranometer based in solar cell, National Instrument USB-6008 as data acquisition, LABView as interface system. Made this a considerably cheap system. The pyranometer was physically located on the top of the roof, reading was taken every 30 minutes during 33 days in January, March, April and May (why not Feb?), no night readings. All measurements from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. Location at 31.19’07’’N and 110.56’45’’O, 1000 meters above sea level. Result shows a reading error within 7% and above 2%.

Solar Irradiance Estimation Based on Photovoltaic Module Short Circuit Current Measurement


Rodney H.G. Tan, Priscilla L.J.Tai, V.H. Mok


This paper using the estimation method of solar irradiance based on the short circuit current output produce by the photovoltaic module. Paper trying to prove the feasibility of this method with desired accuracy. Paper introduced Photovoltaic Module Model as a circuit model, according to the property of its solar cell diode, derived the relation between short circuit currents and the solar irradiance leads to this. By acquiring the datasheet for solar cells diodes from their manufacturers, parameters for this relation can be derived using mathematical models. By considering these parameters, the solar irradiance can be estimated. However, the result shows that the highest error can reach 15.9%, making this estimation not a very ideal method for high accuracy applies but only for rough estimation while expensive measure device like pyranometers are desired.



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