These are words specifically related to Appropriate Technology that the students of the Practivistas Chiapas, Parras and Dominicana programs found useful. See the Renewable Energy Dictionary for words directly related to renewable energy.



Relevant Dominican words:

English Spanish
Aligator clips Gancho aligator
Aluminum Alumínio
Appropriate Technology Technologia Apropiada
Available Energy Energía disponible
Aquaponics Systems Sistemas aquaponicas
Barbed wire Alambre de púas
Beam (construction) Viga
Bearings Cajas de bolas
Blowtorch Soplete
Bolt & nut Perno y tuerca
Brick Ladrillo
Broom Escoba
Cement Cemento
Chicken wire Malla Metálica
Chicken wire (DR) Malla de Gallinero
Climate change Cambio climático
Clamp Abrazadera
Clay Arcilla
Coal Carbón
Compost Abono
Cooperative El ejido
Construction Construcción
Carbon Dioxide Dióxido de carbono
Dowel Taquete
Drill Taladro
Energy Energia
Embodied Energy Energía gris (more common), energía cautiva
Environmental engineering Ingeniería ambiental / Ingenieria del Medio ambiente
Environmental science Sciencia del Medio ambiente
Fertilizer Abono
Finishing coat Repello
Flow Corriente
Greenhouse Invernadero
Gully, ravine La quebrada
Hammer Martillo
Head Caída
Head Altura
Leak Escape
Level Nivel
Light Bulb Bombillo
Lime powder Cal
Literature Review Revisión de la Literatura
Mace (Mallet) Mazo
Micro-hydro Mini-hidráulica
Multimeter Multímetro
Nail Clavo
Outlet Enchufe
Plaster (verb) Empañentar
Permaculture Permacultura
Permit El trámite
Photovoltaic Fotovoltaica
Pickaxe Pico, picota
Pliers Alicate
Purify Purificar
Rebar Varilla
Renewable energy Energía renovable
Sack Costal (not costale!)
Saw Serrucho
Saw Dust Aserrín de madera
Sand Arena
Screw Tornillo
screwdriver destornillador ( cruz = Phillips head)
Slope Cuesta
Sludge Hammer Lodos Martillo
Straght Edge Borde Recto
Sun Sol
Shovel pala
Tire (or rubber) Goma
Soldering Gun Maquina de soldal
Square Cuadrar
Steel Acero
Stream El arroyo
Sulfur Azufre
Tape Measure Cinta de Medir
Tests Pruebas
Turbine Turbina
Voltage Voltaje
Washer Arandela
Waste water treatment Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Water Agua
Water storage tanks Tinaco
Weathering Desgaste
Welding Soldando
Wind Energy Energía Eólica
Wood Madera
Work Boots botas de trabajo
Sustainability Sostenibilidad
Architect Arquitecto
Ceramic Cerámico
Solar Cell Celda Solar
awl lezna
Spanish English Chin A little bit of something
Que lo que? What's up?
Un Nuevo Try again, do it again
Yala/ Tato OK


Useful spanish phrases:

Spanish English
Can you bring me the Usted puede traer el
Do you need anything? Necesitas algo?
Can I help you? Te puedo ayudar?
Could you help me? Puedes ayudarme?
Where can I get... Dondé puedo consegir?
Look out! Cuidado!
pass me (Insert word) please Pásame(---)por favor


To add your word, click edit and: Copy the following code (not including the pre and /pre) and paste it just before the |} in the table above.

| English word
| Palabra en Español
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