This page is for information useful to all HSU Dominicana participants.

Useful Link


These are words specifically related to Appropriate Technology that the students of the HSU Chiapas, Parras and Dominicana programs found useful. See the Renewable Energy Dictionary for words directly related to renewable energy.

English Spanish
Aligator clips Gancho aligator
Barbed wire Alambre de púas
Beam (construction) Viga
Bearings Cajas de bolas
Blowtorch Soplete
Brick Ladrillo
Chicken wire Malla Metálica
Chicken wire (DR) Malla de Gallinero
Cooperative El ejido
Dowel Taquete
Drill Taladro
Environmental engineering Ingeniería ambiental
Finishing coat Repello
Flow Corriente
Gully, ravine La quebrada
Hammer Martillo
Head Caída
Level Nivel
Lime powder Cal
Mace Maza
Micro-hydro Mini-hidráulica
Permit El trámite
Photovoltaic Fotovoltaica
Pliers Alicate
Rebar Varilla
Renewable energy Energía renovable
Sack Costal (not costale!)
Saw Serrucho
Saw Dust Aserrín
Screw Tornillo
Seal Goma
Stream El arroyo
Sulfur Azufre
Tape Measure Cinta de Medir
Tests Pruebas
Turbine Turbina
Water storage tanks Tinaco
Wind Energy Energía Eólica
Wood Madera
Head Altura
Nail Clavo
Bolt & nut Perno y tuerca


Relevant Dominican words:

Spanish English
Chin A little bit of something
Yala/ Tato OK


Useful spanish phrases:

Spanish English
Can you bring me the Usted puede traer el


To add your word, click edit and: Copy the following code (not including the pre and /pre) and paste it just before the |} in the table above.

| English word
| Palabra en Español

Available Materials



Shipping Containers

Hardware Stores

Electrical Supplies

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