The Permaculture ethics are the starting place for making descisions when beginning a permaculture design. Different permaculture teachers have expressed these ethics in different ways.

Bill Mollison

Care of the Earth

Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply

There are three concurrent and parallel responses:

  1. Care for surviving natural assemblages
  2. Rehabilitate degraded or eroded land
  3. Create our own complex living environment

Care of People

Provision for people to access those resources necessary to their existence

Setting Limits to Population and Consumption

By governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to further the above principles

David Holmgren

  1. Earth Care - Rebuild natural capital
  2. People Care - Look after self, kin and community
  3. Fair Share - Set limits and redistribute surplus

A Policy of Responsibility (to relinquish power)

The role of beneficial authority is to return function and responsibilty to life and to people; if successful, no further authority is needed. The role of successful design is to create a self-managed system.

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