Adobe Oven

It's an oven made out of adobe, which is composed of clay, straw and mud. It is used for cooking.
71 Allende
It is composed mostly of natural materials found in the Parras environment, the door being the exception. It promotes human health because it cooks food.
Wood or coals need to be burned in order to heat it.

Adobe House

Here in Parras most of the homes, such as this one, are made out of adobe.
A corner on Allende.
It is composed mostly of natural materials found in the Parras enviornment, there are of course some exceptions because you need more than just mud, straw and clay to build a compleat house. It provides people with a stable home which promotes their overall health and happiness.
Adobe homes are not earthquake safe.

Earthen Construction - General Adobe

Adobe bricks used for constructing walls and houses made out of clay, sand, and straw. To make the bricks one mixes the materials, lays them out in brick shapes, and dries them in the sun.
On the south side of Parras.
Justification as Appropriate
It is appropriate because it is durable, uses local labor and materials, is easy to construct and repair. It is relatively affordable and helps regulate indoor temperatures due to its high thermal mass.
Issues with the Appropriateness
On it´s own adobe is not entirely weather resistant and needs maintainence. If straw is not readily available in an area then it must be trucked in. The clay has to be extracted from the ground, most likely leaving a gaping hole in its place.

Brick Ceiling


This ceiling is made of bricks from the area, and is covered by a sealant that acts as a water-proofing agent. The bricks allow the house to adjust to changes in temperature, and thus decrease the necessity for an air-conditioning/ heating system.


this technology is located in all of the ceilings at the house of Gabby and Augustin Madero

Justification as Appropriate

This type of ceiling acts as an example of appropriate technology because it uses local resources to make the bricks, allows for the house to have a natural cooling system and with the addition of the sealant actually works to keep the house dry and ventilated. Furthermore, it is very low maintenance, and according to the owners of the house the sealant must be re-applied every 8 years or so. Not only does the sealant waterproof the bricks but it also reinforces them so that the bricks themselves do not need to be replaced very often.

Issues with the Appropriateness

All though the bricks are made from local resources, there is a very good likelihood that the wooden support beams are not, and have been imported from surrounding areas. Additionally, there is some concern over the safety of the ceiling in a large earthquake.

Earthen Home

It is a home built directly into the cliff near a river bed. It appears to be constructed of nothing more than the dirt around it and some recycled materials.
Behind Santo Madero on the edge of a cliff near a canyon. (Parras, MX)
Justification as Appropriate
It appears to be built into the side of the cliff using nothing more than dirt and recycled materials.
Issues with the Appropriateness
Location is quite possibly unsafe for the occupant. Proximity to a waterway means it is likely for waste to be discarded improperly.


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