
Soil Preparation Equipment (GTZ, 1991, 18 p.)

  1. (introduction...)
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Technology
  4. Equipment
  5. Criteria for selection and purchase
  6. Checklist for potential buyers
  7. Cerades H2 clay disintegrator
  8. E.S.A. Malaxeurs CMD/SED
  9. TERSTARAM ground breaker
  10. TERSTAMIX mixing machine
  11. ALTECH soil disintegrators
  12. ALTECH soil mixers
  13. Parry/ITW pendulum clay crusher
  14. Kompofix soil disintegrators and mixers
  15. Boll RAPIDO earth disintegrators
  16. ERDWOLF earth crusher and mixer
  17. Heuser soil mixer type LZM
  18. ATIKA soil mixers TZ 100/60 and TZ 200/125
  19. Bibliography
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