WP Essentials

This is a Work Package as part of the OSSTIP project.


  • 2nd version of BZE’s Proposed updated bus network and speed+frequency information
  • Working OSSTIP platform for display of existing PT timetable (OSSTIP/WP4)
  • Network->timetable conversion tools (OSSTIP/WP5)


  • Updated versions of scripts produced in OSSTIP/WP5 that can now handle time-dependent timetable creation, based on different peak and off-peak speeds specified in network topology shapefiles.
  • GTFS timetable for this version 2 network
  • Installed instance of OpenTripPlanner with relevant GIS data uploaded and this new GTFS timetable loaded
  • Created map-based analysis of accessibility (via Travel time maps) at up to 7 key chosen locations.

Estimated Time: Medium

Requirements Summary

Key Requirements

  • Essentially, to repeat the process used in OSSTIP/WPBZE1, with already existing scripts and tools
  • This currently requires input from other BZE team members for certain database opertations, to transform GIS network files into the 'abstract PT network topology' intermediate shapefile form, used to actually create the GTFS timetable.

Extension Goals

  • Support the possibility of time-dependent Peak and Off-Peak networks with differing speeds - based on the pre-existing work of another BZE team member using Matlab scripts and Netview files. This will require modification of the SimpleGTFSCreator script to make creation of schedules time-dependent based on attributes in the abstract network topology shapefile.
  • BZE would also like to add a 'bus motorway' network to the regular bus network to account for higher-speed, but lower stop-frequency, buses on highways. Creating this network is being done by another BZE team member, but will require running the conversion process on these scripts also. We can then store these as a separate GTFS timetable, as OpenTripPlanner can easily then load this as well as the regular bus timetable for routing purposes.
  • Once these capabilities added, it would be good to also re-run the conversion of the existing BZE version 1 network, and then calculate the routing performance of both networks in the Origin-Destination matrix of key points of interest - then compare performance to the Revision 2 bus network.

Results / Progress


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