

Criteria and Constraints

Criteria Constraints
Safety Does not contain toxic chemicals that will cause harm to occupants. The structure is built to code and will not cause physical harm to occupants.
Durability The structure will withstand the elements of Santo Dominingo. This includes potential earthquakes and hurricanes, humidity, high temperatures, and heavy rains.
Reproducability The structure could be reproduced by local builders without outside assistance.
Cost The project is less expensive to construct than traditional building styles.
Construction time The structure can be completed before July 8
Aesthetics The structure is pleasing to look at.
Educational Value The project instructs builders and future occupants on the alternative building technique used in construction.
Comfort The structure is comfortable for occupants. Room temperature should be similar to that of other structures at the site.
Locality of Materials Materials should be obtained as close to Santo Domingo as possible.
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