Light Emitting Diode (LED) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are a number of frequently asked questions concerning retrofitting street lights with LEDs. (remember to cite your sources and sign/timestamp your answer)


  • What does an LED traffic light look like? (picture)

An LED traffic light looks very similar to a regular traffic light. It still gets the job done and is actually brighter. An LED is actually very small and therefore the traffic light is made up of a bunch of smaller lights, this is apparent when you look closely. A link to pictures is posted below. --Susan 14:40, 16 September 2007 (PDT)

  • How does an LED work?
    • What is a diode?
    • What is a p/n junction?
    • What does solid state mean?
    • What are the common elements that make up an LED?
    • How are LEDs made?

Efficiency and Lifetime

  • How efficient is an LED compared to a CFL or an incandescent bulb?
    • What are the wattages of a normal incandescent light compared to an LED?
  • How long do LED bulbs last? (e.g. what is the estimated lifetime of an LED?)
    • How long do standard incandescent bulbs in street lights last?
    • How many incandescent bulbs (and light bulb changes) do you need to last as long as a single LED?

LED Retrofits

  • How do you replace a normal incandescent street light with LEDs?
  • What colors are LEDs available in commercially?
  • Who manufacturers LEDs for use in traffic lights? (link to web pages)
  • Are any large cities using LED traffic lights? (Name at least 3 with articles -- about half the cities in PA have done it)

Do LEDs save money (show your work)

  • What are the major variables in determining savings?
  • How much money is saved over the lifetime for switching out a red light with an LED?
    • What is the payback time and return on investment for red LEDs?
  • How much money is saved over the lifetime for switching out a yellow light with an LED?
    • What is the payback time and return on investment for yellow LEDs?
  • How much money is saved over the lifetime for switching out a green light with an LED?
    • What is the payback time and return on investment green LEDs?
  • How much money is saved over the lifetime for switching out a walk/do not walk sign with an LED?
    • What is the payback time and return on investment for white man LEDs?
    • What is the payback time and return on investment for red hand LEDs?
  • How much money does it cost to make the switch (labor + materials)?

LEDs and the environment

  • If the street lights are running on coal-fired electricity - how much carbon dioxide emissions are prevented by switching to LEDs?
  • How much pollution is prevented switching an average intersection to LEDs? (list all and amounts)

Any other questions

  • Is there any reason not to switch to LEDs?
  • Why hasn't everyone already done this?
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