Indicator frameworks are measures that allow assessing how well some system of interest is performing, usually with the intent of improving that performance towards a desired goal.

In terms of sustainability, indicators can help measure important aspects of environmental impact or contribution at the individual, household, organisational, or regional, national, or international level.

Levels of Indicators

At the national level, they are potentially an important adjunct alternative to the wikipedia:Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is criticised for only measuring the level of a countries' economic activity, good or bad, and thus not being useful to measure progress towards Sustainable well-being.

Computer information systems are often helpful for communicating and allowing interaction with a set of indicators. For example, a GIS system could be used to support understanding environmental and other indicators at the city or regional-level.

See Also

External links

National-level indicators

Tools/Methods involving Indicators Frameworks for Urban and Regional Planning

Example urban & regional indicator projects

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