Substitute for pit latrines, septic systems or conventional sewage handling with:

Financial model:

Possibly as cheap as $20 per household in warm areas, assuming shared toilet banks. Practical, realistic designs have not undergone the "value engineering" necessary for this application yet, so are still too costly, although clearly a cheap, basic, functional unit for any given climate could be created.

Water System


  • public health is the overwhelming priority.
  • low cost is essential - if it's not cheap, it won't be used as much and won't achieve as much.
  • low ecological impact is very desirable if it doesn't compromise public health.
  • suitable for various cultural practices. Target users may be accustomed to using water to cleanse (but can most often cope with small amounts of water), or other W methods, so the device should ideally tolerate sticks, rocks, paper, or whatever else is likely to be thrown in.


  • Composting toilet
  • Biogas toilet, too large scale for the specs; for longer term settlement (due to capital cost, time for construction); relatively unproven. (E.g. Bio Latrines in Kenyan Slums.)
  • Non-composting, non-biogas toilets
    • Emphasis on public health (rather than sustainability or treating the waste as a resource).
    • e.g. the W
      • Cost? Chriswaterguy to find out.
      • What's the status of the solid material afterwards? Can be composted?
      • Proven in the field, including Aceh.[verification needed]
  • Ultra-cheap systems, based on the Kamal Kar's work. Any applicable to this situation? Chriswaterguy to find out.
  • What about small community based Constructed wetlands?
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