
By the end of the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module, students will understand:


The following are some of the main goals for the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module.


By the end of the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module, students will understand the following concepts (among others):

  • Lighting Efficiency -> Safety
  • FUE and EF
  • Combustion Byproducts
  • Combustion Safety
  • Heat Transfer
  • Heat loss
  • Infiltration
  • Diagnostic Testing

Vocabulary and units

By the end of the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module, students will be able to confidently use the following vocabulary and/or units (among others):

  • BAS (Building Airflow Standard), combustion, Appliance Zone, Building Envelope, R-Value, Airchange per hour, EF, Efficacy, Infrared thermography, R-Value
  • CFM, CFM30, pascal, F, C, K, ACH, and Lumens


By the end of the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module, students will be able to do the following calculations (among others):

  • Light Exchange Saving
  • Cups/sec to Gal/Min
  • CFM30 to CFM and CFM to ACH

How to

By the end of the Retrofits and Energy Efficiency module, students will be comfortable doing the following (among others):

  • Identify, Quantify, Report Losses
  • Inspection, Observational, Assessment, Client interview, Testing equipment, Write and present the report
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