
This page is dedicated to describing the proper operational procedures for successful prints on the Gigabot utilizing Franklin firmware.

Currently, the following pages exists in dedication to either Franklin and/or the GigabotHX:

Application and material development pages are available in the following:

Further Franklin discussion can be found on MOST publication:

  • Wijnen, B., Anzalone, G. C., Haselhuhn, A.S., Sanders, P.G., Pearce, J. M. Free and Open-source Control Software for 3-D Motion and Processing. Journal of Open Research Software, 4: e2, DOI: free access



  • Connecting Printer to Franklin
  1. Securely connect USB cable from Arduino to the operating computer
  2. Insure both power supplies, 12 and 24V power supplies are connected to a 120V standard outlet
  3. Start Franklin in command prompt "franklin" in the command prompt.
  4. Assuming Franklin in initialized correctly, proper connection to https://localhost:8000/admin should be possible
    1. If error occurs, e.g. "Cannot connect to local host", please refer to Franklin, Franklin:MOST and/or the Franklin connection section of Laser welding protocol: MOST
  5. The Franklin GUI (graphic user interface) should now be observable. GUI should look similar to the image below:
Franklin GUI
  • Set-Up
    • File Generation (STL)
      • OpenSCAD, Blender, RapCAD
    • GCode Generation
      • LibreOffice GCode Editor
      • Optimization of Extruder A and Extruder E (Leader / Follower Principle)
  • Uploading Files
  • Printer Preparation
    • Homing, Parking and Zero-Positioning
    • Build Surface
    • Extruder 'Priming'
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