Environmental Management System


How does an organization establish a comprehensive approach to minimize your impact on the environment through minimizing waste, reducing energy consumption, and making more efficient use of your resources which all lead to costs savings?


An Environmental Management System (EMS) provides the organisation’s management with a structured framework for identifying, evaluating, managing and improving its environmental performance. It helps to ensue that the organisation’s overall environmental goals, as set out in its environmental policy, are implemented throughout the organisation and that employees, contractors and suppliers know their roles and responsibilities in helping the organisation to achieve them. (1)

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) - A voluntary initiative aimed at recognizing and rewarding organizations that go beyond their minimum legal requirements and continuously improve their environmental performance.

ISO 14000 - An environmental management standard to help organizations minimize their negative environmental impact, comply with applicable laws and regulations, and provide a framework for continual improvement.

Additional Information

(1) - Environmental Management System (EMS) from EMAS

BS 8555 - How to implement a generic EMS

iema - Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment

Sustainable Goals Blog Apr-04-2007

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