Garden Goal: Paint Crates

Teaching Goal: Teach children about the vitamins that are in each plant in the garden and what they do

1) Relaxation Activity (5 minutes)

A: Sit quietly with eyes closed and try to hear the birds

2) Teach About Vitamins(30 minutes)

A: Make vegetable cutouts and put them on popsicle sticks

B: Show each vegetable and say what vitamins they have and what they do.

C: Have the children repeat each vegetable and vitamin and what they do while pointing to the part of their body that is helped

i: Tomato- Vitamin A (good for… eyes, bones, teeth, hair)

ii: Squash- Vitamin A (good for… eyes, bones, teeth, hair)

iii: Avocado- Vitamin B (good for… heart, energy)

iv: Chamomile- Can make a tea, which is good for upset stomach

v: Peppers- Vitamin C (good for…keeping mouth healthy, protects you from sickness, and helps you heal when you get a cut)

3) Pass Out Food (30 minutes)

A:Talk about how yummy it is and how healthy it is. Make games about how you can feel your bones getting healthy, your energy going up…etc.

4) PAINT CRATES! (1 hour)

A: Have the children choose partners and sit with partner

B: Put on smocks and only let them go outside to paint when both partners have smocks on

C: Give each partner crates and paint and brushes (be sure to set crates a good distance away from other crates)

D: Have fun

Supplies: Vegetable cutout, food, non-toxic and water based paint, paint brushes, smocks, popsicle sticks, crates, paint drop cloth

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