Lesson Plan: Wednesday, June 7th

Name of Lesson: What do Plants Need to Survive and Why they are Important


  • To teach the students about the importance of plants
  • To teach the students what plants need to grow and live


  • The students will learn about the importance of plants
  • The students will learn what elements plants need in order to grow
  • The students will be able to see a connection between themselves and plants.

Materials: Blank white paper, Butcher paper, markers or colored pencils, tape, paste

Teacher Set:

“Hoy vamos a hablar sobre la importacia de las plants. Recureden el vez pasado que hablamos sobre las plantas y su importamcia y tambien las cosas que no da als plantas. Quien recurde que nesasitan las plantas para sobrevivir? Have the students talk about what plants need in order to survive and grow. (water, sun, fertile soil, and love) After the dicussion have the students draw a picture of a garden with the plants of choice they wish to have in it. Make sure to remind them to leave a space to write the elements a garden needs in order to grow. If the students are too young and have a trouble writing have a older student help them or you may help as well. When all the students have finished their pictures tape or paste them to a bigger piece of paper and put them up in the classroom or near the garden for the students to look at them.

While the students are drawing ask them to think and talk about why plants are important. Response will very for example they may explain that they give us yummy food to eat, they give us oxogen to breath..etc.


As students are draw the pictures and writing about what things a garden needs in order to grow, you can assess to see if they remember all the elements. You can also ask them verbally.

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