Brocks Hill Environmental Centre - - 12886.jpg
This article focuses on information specific to United Kingdom. Please see our Education, sustainable community action page for a topic overview.



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Solar Schools, Project now closed according to website, Sep 2016. Community fund raising scheme for renewable energy projects. Each school has its own webpage where parents, ex-pupils, local businesses, and other supporters can buy squares of a ‘virtual’ solar roof. Once they have raised the total cost of the solar roof, they can erect it. The idea is that the solar roofs will help the schools reduce their carbon footprint, turn a profit from the renewable energy it sells and provide the children with a platform for learning about clean energy. W


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June 10
Brake's Giant Walk for schools

May 18 - 22
Walk to School Week
Living Streets

Golden boy bike.png

March 2 - 20
The Big Pedal, Cycle campaign for schools

Fietspad naar campus Diepenbeek.JPG

February 9 - 15
Go Green Week, National week of action on climate change in schools, colleges and universities.
People & Planet

News and comment


Schools are going green and here is how, Sep 12 [1]


From garden to plate: how schools benefit from growing their own produce, Mar 15 [2]

See also

External links

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References Template:Attrib sca ref

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