Just some sample ideas to get you started. This is not meant to indicate the whole scope of acceptable articles - there are whole important areas which haven't yet been added here.

(If an article is created one of these, it can be removed from this page after it has become a reasonably complete article (e.g. description, discussion of context and alternative perspectives, several "See also" links and at least one good link under "External links)

Agriculture, food production, permaculture


Permaculture design and other good practices


Agricultural science topics

Crops, especially food crops - articles about important crops.

Non-food crops:

Appropriate technology

Built environment and construction topics

Urban planning topics:

Architecture and green building:

Business and industry topics

Sustainable business models

Industrial ecology subtopics...

Sustainable business practices, including:

  • Sustainable business purchasing. (Green Purchasing Asia may be a useful source - open access, and friendly to Appropedia, but copyright so can't copy large slabs verbatim.)
  • Rare earth metals - impacts, alternatives; how to make ethical purchasing decisions
  • Slave labor - allegedly used to produce goods in China, chocolate in parts of Africa... what's the evidence, and how should we respond?

Carbon cycles and climate change

(Consider wider issues around carbon, including carbon cycles, ocean acidity, other aspects of air pollution, and energy security, though obviously climate change is a particularly important aspect of carbon issues.)

Carbon management and climate mitigation policies:

Low carbon technologies:

Ecology & related topics

Ecological footprint (note also Carbon footprint):

Environmental science


See also industrial ecology topics under #Industry topics.


Energy topics

Biofuel topics:

Green living

  • Take tips such as these and give them some order - multiple pages, apply some critical thinking, start to identify the key actions based on the 80-20 rule (that 20% of the effort is likely to give 80% of the benefit).

International development topics


Food security:

Status of development:




  • Examine the effectiveness of competing policies for environmental or poverty-reduction outcomes. (Look at think tank publications - summaries of good reports can be valuable wiki articles, e.g. Grattan Institute's reports on energy and carbon policies.)

Wastewater and sanitation


Water quality and analysis:

Water treatment:

Ecosanitation topics:

Transition topics

Transition towns topics

  • Organizing a transition town
  • (Find out about the community in Ballard, Washington state, where a CSA farm grows and distributes without the use of petroleum, as far as possible.)
  • Local economy


Unclear and "big picture" articles

These are suitable for keen students who have become familiar with Appropedia over some months.

In most cases the aim will be to start an overview of a broad topic, and linking it to suitable Appropedia pages, giving short summaries as appropriate.

To be sorted


  • See also Category:Suggested projects - each page will have a "suggested project" tag, which in many cases is an idea for researching a topic.
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