This page is for exploring how to speed this process of porting PDF documents. The main help page (which needs updating) is at: Help:Porting content from PDF format.

Acrobat has an "export as text" function which makes this easier - save to RTF or Word format. If you open this in OpenOffice v 2.3 or greater, you should be able to export it as MediaWiki format. (Does this work smoothly?)

Useful links:

  • Export PDFs as (formated) text - Note: "Images in the PDF are saved by default in JPEG format." Is their location saved? Is there a way of smoothing the process of locating the image in the document?
  • User talk:LeissKG - discussion on alternative techniques and issues in porting PDFs - OCR, text export.


Are images saved automatically during file export? It appears so for exporting to HTML/XML, at least. Do any of the formats include tags to indicate image location?

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