
It is suggested that a team of qualified experts (scientists and engineers) be assembled to rank, assess and tag pages according to impact. Selected pages will be marked as high impact content or major impact content.

Which is the preferred term?

There may only a small number of pages in total assessed (say 50 pages). These are assessed to be the highest impact actions that can be taken (individually or collectively) towards:

The assessment process, with all calculations, should be as open as possible.


It is probably necessary to have a central team which focuses on "high impact" material, and tries very hard not to get distracted excessively by material outside this arena.

  • We have a larger team of admins apart from the central team which maintains all other pages.
  • This larger team also has understand and agree to the scientific and factual basis of the site - they follow a more inclusionist approach, but don't they tolerate pseudoscience.

Proposing high impact content

Proposals for high impact content (HIC) are placed on:

Other suggestions? Should we have Talk:Biodiversity HIC proposals?

Tagging and displaying

Clear tags (notice templates with included categories) will be created, to be displayed at the top of articles.

Major impact articles are given pre-eminence on all landing pages (main page, portal pages, category pages).

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