
RepRap 3-D printing has already been shown to be a versatile tool for fabricating novel photovoltaic racking designs, however, they can also be useful for installing conventional PV modules on conventional racking. In order to ensure appropriate spacing and well oriented array these open-source photovoltaic spacers can be printed. The design has been created to be parametric in OpenSCAD so this design can be used for any conventional array.

The concept and testing of the design was performed by SolarUP

Source Code


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All measurements in mm

s=6.35; //1/4 inch spacing
l=12.7; // 1/2 inch lip
d=25.5; // 1 inch down
x=127; //5 inch length
cube([l+l+s,s,x], center=true); //lip
translate([0,-d/2-s/2,0])cube([s,d,x], center=true); //spacer
translate([0,d+5,0])cylinder(r=s, h=x, center=true);// handle
translate([0,d/1.5,d*2.25-.25])cube([d,1.5*d,d/2], center=true);// handle connector
translate([0,d/1.5,-d*2.25+.25])cube([d,1.5*d,d/2], center=true);// handle connector

See also

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