To embed this query inline into a wiki page use the code below.
{{#ask: [[Authors::User:Anonymous1]] [[:+]] |format=plainlist |limit=10 |offset=10 |sort=Page views |order=desc |mainlabel= |searchlabel=<br>more |sep=<br> }}
{ "query_string": "[[Authors::User:Anonymous1]] [[:+]]", "query_source": "SMWSQLStore", "query_time": "0.0273", "from_cache": false }
Burning Man Evaporative CoolerVOCs in carpet and carpet padsBanana Tree Fibre Female Hygienic PadsHBCSL cobb ovenHard solderingMeasures to stop global warmingRice hulls in constructionTypes of solar hot water systemsLCA of coffeeRecycling of wind turbine blades
This section contains some links to help explain how to use the #ask syntax.
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