- (Peace Corps, 1984, 175 p.)
Conclusion to training[edit | edit source]
The purpose of this last session is to bring the program to a close and create a transition back to community work. In addition to evaluating the program, the participants also develop an action plan that will serve as a framework for using what they have learned during the course.
To review and evaluate the content and format of the training program, as well as the participation of all involved
To develop a plan of action for future community work
Improved Food Drying and Storage Manual, Sessions 25 and 30
Appendix G: "Ideas for Evaluation"
"Guidelines for an Action Plan", Handout 20A
Newsprint and markers
Pens and paper
- (10 minutes) Introduction
Post a list of activities that need to be completed. Ask for other suggestions from the group. The list should include: clean up and organization of the site; evaluation; action plans; preparation for fair; finish construction projects; practice demonstrations; closing ceremony; fair; and party.
- (1 hour) Evaluation
Select one or more of the suggestions from Appendix G. "Ideas for Evaluation." Discuss the results of the evaluation, focusing on:
- ways in which the course can be applied to future work
- how the course can be improved
- (time as needed and available) Action Plans
Distribute and review Handout 21A, and ask if there are additions or modifications that should be made.
If time is short, have the participants complete the action plans an their own time. When the plans have been completed, you may wish to post some of them, or have a group discussion. Arrange to have the action plans mailed back to the participants after 2 or 3 months.
- (time as needed) Final Details
Refer to the list of tasks to be completed. Have each committee take responsibility for some aspect of ending the course.
Make sure that as many tools and materials as possible are stored and returned before the fair. It is easier, and less likely that things will be lost, if the majority of cleanup and storage is done ahead of time.
- (time as needed) Closing Ceremony
It is up to you and the participants to plan and carry out the mast appropriate closure to training. Whether during the fair or at a separate event, it should include the distribution of certificates of completion. You may also want to have a party with the end of training as its theme.
Please answer the following questions as you plan the next six months of your community work. We will send you a copy of your plan in a couple of months so you can see how well it matches with reality.
May we share this plan with others in the training course?
- How will you use what you've learned in the course?
- How will you involve the people in your community? In defining problems, needs, resources? Design, construction, maintenance, the technologies?
- What problems do you anticipate regarding the introduction of any of the new technologies in your community?
- Which technologies do you plan to introduce first, and why?
5 How do you think what you learned in this course can be applied in your community to improve health and promote self-reliance?
- What does your "timeline" look like? By when do you hope to accomplish specific tasks mentioned above?
- What advice would you give yourself relating to your role as a community worker?