Hi, I'm Risto Järvinen, a doctorate student at Aalto University Department of Communications and Networking (Comnet). My research topic is Routing in Challenged Networks. Bulk of my research is already done at this point (spring 2018). The topic is only tangentially related to sustainability; challenged networks are used by emergency communications and places where common Internet is unavailable (f.ex. far space). Anyway, 3D printing is a personal interest of mine.

Currently participating:


  • Preliminary: Capsaicin molecule.
  • Tool customization: Bearing head for TS-100 soldering iron stand.
  • Constructing RepRap Athena delta printer.
  • Printing foam with delta printer.
  • Constructing high-temperature version of RepRap Athena delta printer.

Constructing RepRap Athene delta printer

  • Sourcing components in Finland..

High-temperature mod

Basic idea is to compartmentalize the printer to maintain required high temperature for the printed plastic while keeping rest of the printer cool.

  • Hotend
    • Needs a solid design. E3D is working on but has not release (as of May 2018) their MegaVolcano hotend. That would probably handle very high temperatures.
    • If hotend includes an extruder, it must be separately cooled! Perhaps E3D Titan Aqua? Bowden extruder would be better.
    • Temperature probe needs to handle up to 500C temperatures, but preferably also be able to differentiate between loose probe and room temperature.
    • Example: https://dyzedesign.com/shop/hotends/dyzend-x-hotend-1-75mm/
  • Build plate

Good tips:

  • When alternating one hotend between PEI/PEEK and PLA/ABS, remnants of the previous plastic will remain. PEI/PEEK doesn't flow at PLA/ABS temperatures and can clog the hotend. Vice versa, PLA/ABS burns at PEI/PEEK temperatures. Just buy separate hotends for different materials.


My research at university is focused on Challenged Networks and Application Development.

My personal research interests include Software Defined Radios and Game Development.


I'm lecturing Application Development at Aalto University. Also, I do guest lectures to Introduction to Electronics (Sähköpaja) on Networking topics and support the Linux Basics course.

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