Food storage rooms are rooms intented for the storage of food. They can be stand-alone (often underground or earth bermed), or part of the house, and vary in design, depending on the type of food that is stored here.


  • pantry: relatively warm and constant temperature, can be lighted, ambient humidity, room is part of the house (often part of the kitchen)
  • store room: has a cool and constant temperature, frost-free, is partially daylighted (no direct sunlight as this warms the room), ambient humidity, stand-alone
  • root cellar: cool and constant temperature, completely dark, very high humidity, stand-alone
  • larder; has a cool and constant temperature, frost-free, can be dark or partially daylighted (no direct sunlight as this warms the room), ambient humidity, stand-alone
  • barrels: can have ambient or high humidity, cheap than building a concrete/brick room
  • clamps (food dug in in earth, insulated with hay), and storing the food in underground dug-out space

Which food to store in which room

  • tuberous roots are stored in root cellars
  • potatoes can be stored in clamps (atleast in temperate countries, over winter)
  • rice and grains are stored in pantry's or better yet in store rooms
  • smoked/cured meat is stored in larders


Note that ventilation is always important. It is best to use natural ventilation and use meshes in front of windows and air vents to keep out insects.

Finally also note that besides natural cooling (by means of the earth, and using electrically controlled valves on vents), the rooms can also be refrigerated.

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