Distributed manufacturing (or Distributed production or local manufacturing) is about being able to produce what you need close to where you are

Enabled by:

This form of production is ocuring now with 3-D printers and with Fablab, which are already prototyped and in use throughout the world. Initial life cycle analysis indicates that distributed production can have a smaller impact on the environment than conventional manufacturing and shipping because of reductions in transportation embodied energy.[1]


See also




  1. M. Kreiger, G. C. Anzalone, M. L. Mulder, A. Glover and J. M Pearce (2013). Distributed Recycling of Post-Consumer Plastic Waste in Rural Areas. MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1492, mrsf12-1492-g04-06 doi:10.1557/opl.2013.258. open access
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