Kaileigh Vincent-Welling
nombre: Kaileigh Vincent-Welling

Hi, here's a little bit of background on myself before reviewing the incredible projects I've been a part of. I'm twenty-three years old and am currently finishing up my BS in Environmental Resources Engineering at Cal Poly Humboldt with an emphasis in renewable energy. Aside from renewable energy, I am also really interested in studying sustainable landscaping and permaculture, natural wastewater treatment systems, and green building. My personal interests outside of my studies include physical fitness and nutrition, being outdoors and adventuring, music, reading, and traveling. My ultimate goal in life is to travel as much as possible, become integrated into other cultures, inspire others and be inspired, and to collaborate with others to create a world that is sustainable and resilient. Engineering is a life path that I have chosen in belief that I will be able to help communities around the world as well as reap great benefits from my experiences that will add to my career and personal strengths. Through the work that I hope to achieve with this path ahead of me, I hope to reach my lifelong goals and much more.

Intereses en Tecnologia Apropriada[edit | edit source]

  • sustainable building
  • being exposed to creativity and abstract thinking associated with the design process
  • the ability to help people efficiently through teaching and implementing new solutions
  • renewable technologies and energy

Experencia en Tecnologia Apropriada[edit | edit source]

  • work(volunteer) with Grid Alternatives to install a solar array systems for a low-income households
  • updated Zane Middle School's garden: put in an upcycled path and implemented different brainstormed and researched ways to make the project the most sustainable
  • built a ram pump whose objective was to sufficiently pump water without using any external energy source

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Math Applications
  • Creating my world
  • Helping other countries/communities and being inspired by them
  • Environmental resources
  • Sustainabile living
  • Renewable energy and other resources
  • Water resources
  • Design
  • natural treatment systems
  • closed-loop systems

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Received much insight from my Uncle, who is also an Engineer
  • Took Engineering classes
  • In the sixth grade, I took a summer camp engineering "class," in which we made bridges using a simple program that calculated all of the details needed for constructing. Ever since, I've wanted to pursue engineering.
  • solar installations with Grid Alternatives (2015-present)
  • Garden Update with Engr 215 (2014)
  • interned/shadowed ourevolution, local engineering company, during measurements taken for the retrofit project at HSU (2014)
  • built a ram pump (2014)
  • know the basics of AutoCAD
  • know FORTRAN 90 programming
  • conducted a semester-long research and data analysis project at the Arcata Marsh to analyze whether or not the tide influenced the water quality in three distinct areas (2014)
  • designed/carried out a natural building project that took place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in summer of 2015, through the Practivistas Dominicana program
  • WWOOF Italia: volunteered on a farm in Italy for the summer and helped carry out green building projects, mainly focusing on cob
  • Landscape Designer for Redwood Energy: I currently design zero-irrigation landscapes for low-income apartment complexes located in Richmond, CA

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

In the Spring, 2014 semester at HSU, I was a part of an engineering design team, The Groovy Gardeners, for a semester-long project for Engineering 215: Intro to Design. We designed a Garden Update for a local client, Zane Middle School.
-This is the document I created with Patrick Hassett, Terran Hilden, and Robert Williams: Garden Update
-This is a Sample Memo I used to turn in with my project.
-This is a project planning software began on Trello with Patrick Hassett, Terran Hilden, and Robert Williams.
-This is an AutoCAD Drawing
-This is a Sample Excel Spread Sheet

In Summer, 2015, I was a part of the Practivistas Dominicana Summer Abroad Program, which was a 6-week appropriate technology/engineering focused program in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. There, I was a part of a natural building group that designed and carried out two different projects: finishing la botica (public pharmacy) and creating/experimenting building blocks to help build up a destacamento (police station), all with a local, small community: Las Malvinas.

Here is the webpages for those two projects:

La Botica Popular


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