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Name Brett Shearer
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2018
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Completing senior year at Cal Poly Humboldt with a degree in Business Administration-Finance. Enjoy playing sports or adventuring in unique places and spending time with friends.

Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]

  • The developments and inventions that came about that drastically enhanced the connection between society and the environment.
  • Several views and models built that depict future developments and shaping of society focused around the environment. [1]
  • The effects of large natural disasters on the environment and how humans play a role in prevention of them.

Experience in Technology and/or the Environment[edit | edit source]

  • Use of computer and spreadsheets on a daily basis
  • Analyzing the outdoors and finding interconnections is something I have done for some time
  • Have backyard garden with several types of foods and vegetables with use of a compost.
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