I made the mistake to name this article “3th world F lamp cap” in stead of “3rd world F lamp cap”

How can I chance dis ?

User: Stef


I changed the design a little bit

I chanced the design of the ball-joint. This new joint design haves a bigger balls that gives more friction. The clamp parts do not flip easy of the balls.

I chanced the design, the frame parts are not glue together and the parts can not turn in each other. So now it is possible to disassemble if needed.

Good luck to you all


Hello everybody

Long time no see

I found a very good solution to make this lamp cap extremely simple.

the following days i will make a description with draws on the appropedia site.

Good luck to you all


Later we can remover the old model pages

deleting the old drawings[edit source]

Hello good people

I toke some time but now I have some months a new lamp design and a better double Axel joint design that is match more simple to make.

I am going to delete a big part of this page.



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